Lasell College
Cumulative Season Statistics
Overall Individual Statistics
Lasell College Overall Individual Statistics (as of Jun 08, 2009)
All matches
Overall record: 20-10 Conf: 9-3 Home: 9-3 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 5-2
|-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------|
## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct
1 Dustin Foster 94 29-13 207 2.20 61 434 .336 4 0.04 26 .154 54 0.57 53 206 .743
2 Joseph Lipski 85 28-2 2 0.02 1 11 .091 12 0.14 60 .200 2 0.02 2 1 -1.000
4 Brendan McGourn 80 25-14 76 0.95 35 188 .218 817 10.21 1151 .710 23 0.29 54 250 .784
5 Zack Smith 76 27-5 10 0.13 5 35 .143 178 2.34 103 1.728 13 0.17 19 56 .661
6 Dan Rogers 85 30-12 171 2.01 68 349 .295 7 0.08 22 .318 21 0.25 36 144 .750
7 Gary Gay 55 24-1 12 0.22 3 33 .273 104 1.89 128 .812 14 0.25 6 49 .878
8 Matt Roberts 83 30-11 185 2.23 75 405 .272 27 0.33 55 .491 20 0.24 32 145 .779
9 Andy Cass 60 19-9 98 1.63 46 240 .217 10 0.17 46 .217 11 0.18 9 134 .933
11 Wes Sackman 22 14-0 33 1.50 11 65 .338 1 0.05 4 .250 4 0.18 17 12 -.417
12 Mike Harrington 83 30-6 146 1.76 63 337 .246 9 0.11 14 .643 8 0.10 18 48 .625
15 Trevor Foster 82 30-6 176 2.15 47 342 .377 2 0.02 9 .222 20 0.24 43 95 .547
18 David Rogers 93 30-13 231 2.48 72 501 .317 4 0.04 31 .129 26 0.28 43 166 .741
20 Tyler Hammond 93 30-4 32 0.34 12 79 .253 18 0.19 26 .692 16 0.17 8 85 .906
24 Justin Brown 1 1-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 1 1 .000
LASELL COLLEGE...... 104 30-30 1379 13.26 499 3019 .291 1193 11.47 1675 .712 232 2.23 341 1392 .755
Opponents........... 104 14-14 514 4.94 347 1579 .106 478 4.60 1570 .304 90 0.87 163 1128 .855
|----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------|
## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm
1 Dustin Foster 94 2 26 .923 61 0.65 36 39 75 0.80 14 0 316.5 3.37
2 Joseph Lipski 85 27 317 .915 228 2.68 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 4.0 0.05
4 Brendan McGourn 80 0 10 1.000 133 1.66 6 24 30 0.38 5 5 117.0 1.46
5 Zack Smith 76 3 60 .950 96 1.26 1 8 9 0.12 0 2 28.0 0.37
6 Dan Rogers 85 6 19 .684 51 0.60 17 23 40 0.47 5 0 220.5 2.59
7 Gary Gay 55 0 25 1.000 72 1.31 0 1 1 0.02 1 2 26.5 0.48
8 Matt Roberts 83 1 34 .971 98 1.18 11 23 34 0.41 5 0 227.5 2.74
9 Andy Cass 60 16 242 .934 121 2.02 10 8 18 0.30 7 0 123.0 2.05
11 Wes Sackman 22 0 3 1.000 13 0.59 1 0 1 0.05 0 0 38.0 1.73
12 Mike Harrington 83 4 19 .789 51 0.61 14 12 26 0.31 6 0 174.0 2.10
15 Trevor Foster 82 1 2 .500 32 0.39 40 42 82 1.00 13 0 257.0 3.13
18 David Rogers 93 6 75 .920 149 1.60 11 26 37 0.40 3 0 281.0 3.02
20 Tyler Hammond 93 8 114 .930 146 1.57 2 0 2 0.02 0 0 50.0 0.54
24 Justin Brown 1 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00
LASELL COLLEGE...... 104 90 962 .906 1251 12.03 149 206 252.0 2.42 59 9 1863.0 17.91
Opponents........... 104 85 1075 .921 521 5.01 32 86 75.0 0.72 45 1 679.0 6.53
Overall/Conference Stats
Lasell College Overall/Conference Stats (as of Jun 08, 2009)
All matches
Overall record: 20-10 Conf: 9-3 Home: 9-3 Away: 6-5 Neutral: 5-2
|--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---|
## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Pts/Gm G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Pts/Gm
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
1 Dustin Foster....... 94 207 2.20 61 434 .336 4 0.04 3.36 33 79 2.39 19 159 .377 2 0.06 3.58
2 Joseph Lipski....... 85 2 0.02 1 11 .091 12 0.14 0.05 28 2 0.07 0 7 .286 7 0.25 0.07
4 Brendan McGourn..... 80 76 0.95 35 188 .218 817 10.21 1.46 30 30 1.00 18 76 .158 295 9.83 1.43
5 Zack Smith.......... 76 10 0.13 5 35 .143 178 2.34 0.37 26 3 0.12 0 6 .500 54 2.08 0.31
6 Dan Rogers.......... 85 171 2.01 68 349 .295 7 0.08 2.59 34 75 2.21 29 153 .301 4 0.12 2.71
7 Gary Gay............ 55 12 0.22 3 33 .273 104 1.89 0.47 28 9 0.32 0 20 .450 69 2.46 0.57
8 Matt Roberts........ 83 185 2.23 75 405 .272 27 0.33 2.73 31 61 1.97 32 150 .193 17 0.55 2.61
9 Andy Cass........... 60 98 1.63 46 240 .217 10 0.17 2.05 28 48 1.71 21 101 .267 4 0.14 2.00
11 Wes Sackman......... 22 33 1.50 11 65 .338 1 0.05 1.73 12 23 1.92 8 43 .349 1 0.08 2.33
12 Mike Harrington..... 83 146 1.76 63 337 .246 9 0.11 2.10 32 50 1.56 22 118 .237 1 0.03 2.00
15 Trevor Foster....... 82 176 2.15 47 342 .377 2 0.02 3.13 29 50 1.72 16 104 .327 1 0.03 3.00
18 David Rogers........ 93 231 2.48 72 501 .317 4 0.04 3.02 32 71 2.22 26 160 .281 2 0.06 3.03
20 Tyler Hammond....... 93 32 0.34 12 79 .253 18 0.19 0.54 34 18 0.53 7 42 .262 5 0.15 0.79
24 Justin Brown........ 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.00 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.00
LASELL COLLEGE...... 104 1379 13.26 499 3019 .291 1193 11.47 17.91 39 519 13.31 198 1139 .282 462 11.85 18.51
Opponents........... 104 514 4.94 347 1579 .106 478 4.60 6.53 39 206 5.28 156 652 .077 192 4.92 6.85
|---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----|
Name SA SA/Gm SE RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm SE RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
Dustin Foster....... 54 0.57 53 2 61 0.65 36 39 75 0.80 19 0.58 15 2 16 0.48 15 11 26 0.79
Joseph Lipski....... 2 0.02 2 27 228 2.68 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 9 66 2.36 0 0 0 0.00
Brendan McGourn..... 23 0.29 54 0 133 1.66 6 24 30 0.38 9 0.30 26 0 50 1.67 2 5 7 0.23
Zack Smith.......... 13 0.17 19 3 96 1.26 1 8 9 0.12 3 0.12 5 0 30 1.15 0 5 5 0.19
Dan Rogers.......... 21 0.25 36 6 51 0.60 17 23 40 0.47 7 0.21 12 2 22 0.65 6 9 15 0.44
Gary Gay............ 14 0.25 6 0 72 1.31 0 1 1 0.02 7 0.25 3 0 28 1.00 0 1 1 0.04
Matt Roberts........ 20 0.24 32 1 98 1.18 11 23 34 0.41 8 0.26 16 1 43 1.39 7 11 18 0.58
Andy Cass........... 11 0.18 9 16 121 2.02 10 8 18 0.30 6 0.21 2 4 50 1.79 1 2 3 0.11
Wes Sackman......... 4 0.18 17 0 13 0.59 1 0 1 0.05 4 0.33 9 0 11 0.92 1 0 1 0.08
Mike Harrington..... 8 0.10 18 4 51 0.61 14 12 26 0.31 6 0.19 10 1 26 0.81 5 7 12 0.38
Trevor Foster....... 20 0.24 43 1 32 0.39 40 42 82 1.00 10 0.34 12 1 9 0.31 18 18 36 1.24
David Rogers........ 26 0.28 43 6 149 1.60 11 26 37 0.40 17 0.53 15 1 56 1.75 4 10 14 0.44
Tyler Hammond....... 16 0.17 8 8 146 1.57 2 0 2 0.02 8 0.24 2 2 58 1.71 1 0 1 0.03
Justin Brown........ 0 0.00 1 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
TEAM................ 16 4
LASELL COLLEGE...... 232 2.23 341 90 1251 12.03 149 206 252.0 2.42 104 2.67 128 27 465 11.92 60 79 99.5 2.55
Opponents........... 90 0.87 163 85 521 5.01 32 86 75.0 0.72 27 0.69 57 42 222 5.69 13 42 34.0 0.87