Ross Audet- Baseball

Ross Audet- Baseball

Major/Minor:  Finance

Sport team & Position:  Baseball & Shortstop

One personal goal for this season:  Win the GNAC

Pregame superstition: Tape the wrists 

What attracted you to Lasell?  My major and Baseball 

What do you hope to do when you graduate? Work in Finance or Real Estate 

What is your favorite memory of your time at Lasell?  Playing baseball 

Tell me something about you that people might not know.  I like dogs 

Car do you drive-  Toyota Tacoma
Favorite Food-  lobster
Favorite Movie- Dark Knight
Favorite TV Show- Money Heist
Favorite Sports Team-  Red Sox
Favorite Phone App-  Tik Tok
Favorite Music on your cloud- Country/ classics
Motto to live by-  Figure it out
iPhone or Android-  Iphone
Percent phone battery you have right now- 74
Best concert you attended-  Drake and Future
Favorite place to be at Lasell -  The turf