Kelsey Scannevin - Softball

Kelsey Scannevin - Softball

Major/Minor:  Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition

Sport team & Position:  Softball team, primarily left and right field.

One personal goal for this season: I want to start off strong at the plate, and be a big contribution to the team in all ways. I also need to stop overthinking every little thing that I do on the field.

Pregame superstition: I always like to research stats of the other team so I know what to expect offensively and defensively.

What attracted you to Lasell? I was first interested because of the strong health science department, but was sold by the incredible staff, location, and of course, the opportunity to play ball.

What do you hope to do when you graduate? I’m going to continue working as a personal trainer and get into nutrition counseling. Essentially, I want to improve the quality of life for anyone who isn’t confident with the way they look and feel.

What is your favorite memory of your time at Lasell? Going to the riots in Boston the night the Red Sox won the world series

How has your experience at Lasell prepared you for your future endeavors? We do a ton of hands-on lab work that has already helped me as a trainer.

Tell me something about you that people might not know: I’m a powerlifter and I play the electric kazoo

Car do you drive-  A 2003 Honda Element (it’s an ugly orange box car)
Favorite Food-  Grilled chicken with veggies
Favorite Movie-  The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Favorite Sports Team-  Red Sox!
Favorite Phone App-  Spotify
Motto to live by- Always be the bigger person
iPhone or Android-  iPhone
Percent phone battery you have right now- 84%
Best concert you attended-  Either Blink 182 or Khalid
Favorite place to be at Lasell -  The gym