Becca Smith - Softball

Becca Smith - Softball

Major/Minor:  Exercise Science and Athletic Training

Sport team & Position:  Center Field and Second Base.

One personal goal for this season:  To be the person everyone goes to on the team.

Pregame superstition: I Always Crack my back and neck before I get up to bat.

What attracted you to Lasell?  The communication between coaches and players is amazing and more than anyone could ask for.

What do you hope to do when you graduate? Become an athletic trainer and always be around sports.

What is your favorite memory of your time at Lasell? My favorite memory so far is when we did softball vs baseball in a Wiffle ball game for practice.

How has your experience at Lasell prepared you for your future endeavors? Never be afraid to speak up because even if you get something wrong it’s another lesson learned.

Tell me something about you that people might not know. My shoe size is a 5 ½ - 6.

Car do you drive-  Nissan Altima
Favorite Food-  Buffalo Chicken
Favorite Movie-  Creed
Favorite Sports Team- Boston Bruins
Favorite Phone App-  IPhone Messages
Motto to live by-  “If you ain’t first your last”
iPhone or Android-  Iphone
Percent phone battery you have right now- 29%
Best concert you attended-  Rae Shremurd and Wiz Khalifa
Favorite place to be at Lasell -  At the Pool Table in 1851