Michael Palumbo - Men's Soccer

Michael Palumbo - Men's Soccer

Major/Minor:  Double major Finance and Accounting

One personal goal for this season:  Make an All-GNAC team

Pregame superstition: My right sock goes on before my left sock and my right cleat goes on before my left cleat. 

What attracted you to Lasell?  Distance from home, resources academically and athletically and my coach!

What is your favorite memory of your time at Lasell?  Winning in overtime against Anna Maria during Family and Friend’s weekend.

How has your experience at Lasell prepared you for your future endeavors? Lasell has allowed me to work on my current skills and learn new ones in an environment where I am pushed for greatness.

Something the pandemic has taught you? Patience is truly a virtue, being able to be patient avoids complacency.

Something you do now that you didn’t do prior to the pandemic: Meditate!

Tell me something about you that people might not know. My favorite artist ever is Mac Miller

Car do you drive-  Hyundai Sonata
Favorite Food-  Spaghetti and meatballs
Favorite Movie-  Star Wars Episode 5
Favorite TV Show- The Office
Favorite Sports Team-  Juventus
Favorite Phone App-  Spotify
Favorite Music on your cloud- Jazz Rap
Motto to live by-  The work done in the shadows always comes to light
iPhone or Android-  IPhone
Percent phone battery you have right now-  53%
Best concert you attended-  I’ve never been to a concert
Favorite place to be at Lasell -  Taylor Field!